Chapter 3
The avenue was cramped and crooked and crowded. The smell of spice—ginger and cinnamon and curry—masked the stench of the refuse spoiling in thegutters, and the din of jabbering voices filled the air with a constant drone as loudas it was maddening. High tenement buildings loomed along both sides of thestreet, their battered awnings and rickety second-story verandahs grazing theelephant's flanks as it ambled past. On many of the balconies stood hissing Mar, hurling small sticks at the poor beast and clapping their hands to drive its passenger from the city.
Atreus feigned indifference to their insults and kept his gaze fixed to the front.He was sitting in the crowded howdah on the elephant's back, with two Ffolk guards kneeling on the floor behind him. There were also a dozen riders struggling to clear the street ahead and another dozen riders bringing up the rearwith Yago. Although the soldiers were dressed in the ceremonial livery of an honorguard, their surly bearing and wary watchfulness made plain that the only thingthey were guarding against was Atreus's escape,
Atreus fought to hold his growing anger in check. As betrayed and insulted as hefelt by Queen Rosalind's decision, he would gain nothing by venting his rage now.Better to wait a few clays, until his escorts' horses began to suffer in the hot muggy terrain of Doegan, then escape to another of the Five Kingdoms. Edenvale wasnot the only realm bordering the Yehimals and he had heard a person with money could buy anything in Konigheim.A pair of teak window shutters slammed open beside the howdah, revealing themurky interior of a second-story apartment. Atreus glimpsed what looked like acurved yellow dagger whirling out of the darkness, then cried out and raised hisarm. Something soft struck his wrist and fell to the floor. The two guards in the Howdah rose and turned toward the window, directing their fellows below into thebuilding. Yago roared in alarm and began to bull his way past his escorts raisinga great clamor of clanging armor and whinnying horses. Atreus looked down and found a banana lying at his feet. Scratched into the peel was a briefmessage: "Be ready"
He glanced into the window and saw a plump silhouette retreating into the darkness, then snatched the banana off the floor.
Atreus looked back to see Yago, separated from the elephant by four
double ranks of riders, shoving a startled horse out of his way. “There's nothing
to worry about," he shouted Atreus displayed the banana, then quickly peeled it
and tossed the skin out of the howdah.
"It's only a banana, Yago. Go back to your place." Yago furrowed his heavy
brow in puzzlement, then turned to scowl at the nearest rider. "You call
that guardin?" He pointed a dagger-length finger at the banana in Atreus's
hand. "That coulda been a knife!" "But it wasn't," Atreus said. "So let's not worry
about it." He turned forward again and passed the banana to his elephant
driver. "For Sunreet." You are too kind, Sahib," the driver replied, eating the banana himself. "She thanks you very much." The guards guffawed loudly and called their fellows off. The procession resumed its slow pace down the street. Atreus sat back and tried not to look obvious as he scanned the verandahs and windows ahead. He could not imagine who had sent the message. Even if Rishi Saubhari had weathered his plunge into the moat, he hardly seemed likely to have the means to overpower two dozen of the queen's horsemen. That left only an unknown Ffolk nobleman, no doubt eager to use Atreus's hideous face in some intrigue that had less to do with finding Langdarma than
unseating a sickly queen.
The procession twined its way through the streets for another ten minutes until the
remnants of a gatehouse and wall appeared fifty paces ahead. Built entirely of white
marble, the "Pearl Curtain" had once enclosed the entire city, but the fortifications
had been razed during the Bloodforge Wars and never rebuilt. Now the ruins served
only to mark the official city limit. Beyond them, the tenement buildings grew smaller
and less closely packed, finally giving way to crop fields, then grazing lands, and
eventually a lush forest.
The forest would be an ideal place for an ambush, and Atreus was debating thewisdom of using the confusion to escape when a string of sharp cracks echoedthrough the street. Atreus dropped his gaze and saw bursts of light flashingaround the hooves of the horses ahead. Several of the beasts whinnied and reared, bringing the whole procession to a sudden halt and dumping their riders into theclouds of smoke swirling about the street.
Sunreet raised her trunk and let out a shrill trumpet. The Mar in the street beganto jabber in unintelligible hysteria. The two guards behind Atreus shouldered their way forward and kneeled in the front of the howdah. "Shou powder," observed one.
"Expensive," said the other. “Too expensive for this." Atreus glanced to the side andfound himself looking across a dilapidated balcony, to where a shadowy Mar stood waving at him from inside a dark doorway. Atreus made no move to leavethe howdah, preferring his own plan of escape to becoming involved in some traitor's plot against Queen Rosalind.
The Mar stepped into the light, revealing himself to be Rishi Saubhari. "Good sir,what are you waiting for?" Rishi asked. "I thought you wanted to see the Sisters of Serenity!”
The two howdah guards spun around."Do you know what you're about, wog?" demanded one. "We're on the queen's business here." The other placed a foot on the howdah's rail, gathering himself to leap onto thebalcony. "You'll answer to Her Radiance's jailer for this!" Rishi ignored them both and slipped a hand inside his cloak. "We can still find Langdarma," he said, withdrawing a wad of soggy parchment. "I have your map!"
Though Atreus had long ago memorized every feature of the map, seeing it againovercame any reservations he had about accepting Rishi's help. As a gift from Sune herself, the map possessed a worth far in excess of the symbols written on it. Hestood and shoved the first guard out of the howdah onto the elephant's shoulders, then grabbed the other by the belt and jerked him back inside. The fellow landedheavily on the floor, and Atreus knocked him unconscious with a big-knuckled fist tothe hinge of the jaw.
A clamorous uproar arose behind the elephant. Yago, looming a full head above the riders surrounding him, began to fight his way forward, shouldering men from theirsaddles and shoving horses off their feet. Seeing that the ogre was about to lose histemper, Atreus pointed into the tenement building where Rishi stood waiting.
"Yago, kill no one!" he ordered. "Meet me inside."
The ogre nodded, then punched a horse unconscious and stepped over its fallen
bulk, heading for the nearest door. Atreus sighed in relief. The last thing he needed
was to anger Queen Rosalind by killing one of her guards. He grabbed the
smallest cargo basket from the back of the Howdah. "What are you doing?" Rishi cried. "My profuse apologies, but we have no timefor luggage!" "We have time for one!" The basket was heavy, and Atreus groaned as hetossed it across the small chasm to the verandah. "Catch!" The basket struck Rishi square in the chest, driving him back through thedoorway and onto the floor of the darkened room. Atreus stepped onto the rail tofollow his basket across, but by then the first guard had clambered back into theHowdah and grabbed hold of his leg. Atreus jumped anyway, dragging his attacker along and catching hold of theverandah's balustrade. The guard swung like a pendulum and smashed intoone of the horsemen who had ridden forward to stop the escape. When the fellowdid not immediately drop off, Atreus simply pulled him along onto the balcony.Atreus was as strong as he was ugly—anyone raised by ogres had to be—and hehardly noticed the extra weight As Atreus tumbled over the balustrade, he twisted around and landed on his back. He sat up and drew his fist back to strike, then realized he could not hithis attacker in the face. The man was ruggedly handsome, with a square jaw andflat high cheeks, and it would have been an affront to Sune to ruin his good looks.
Taking advantage of the delay, the guard pulled his dagger and pushed the tipunder Atreus's chin. "Don't move!" Atreus grabbed his foe's knife hand and twisted against the thumb. The guard screamed and dropped the dagger.Atreus continued to twist, rolling the man onto his back, then spun onto hisknees and gathered the fellow up and pitched him back into the Howdah. Behind the elephant, a tangle of soldiers and horses lay in Yago's wake, struggling to
unsnarl itself. The ogre himself was nowhere in sight, but the muffled crashes
coming from the floor below left no
doubt that he had made his way into the building.By now, three more guards had clambered onto the verandah. They wereadvancing from both sides, eyeing Atreus warily and reaching for their swords.He slipped toward the pair on his right, slapping down the leader's sword and simultaneously launching a side-thrust kick atthe second man in line. The blow caught the guard square in the chest, launchinghim off the verandah and down into the tangle of men and horses below.
The rickety balcony shook as the third guard rushed to strike from behind.Atreus grabbed the leader's collar and dropped to the floor, swinging aroundbehind him. The move catapulted his captive into his attacker and sent both men tumbling over the balustrade into the confusion below.
Atreus rolled to his knees in the doorway. Rishi was standing inside the murkychamber, staring gape-mouthed out onto the verandah. At his feet sat the heavybasket Atreus had thrown to him, and there were fresh scrape marks on the teak floor. Whether or not the Mar's intention had been to steal, he had clearly beentrying to take the cargo basket and flee.
Rishi pointed at the empty balcony behind Atreus. "You... how did you defeat so many, good sir?"
"An ugly man learns to fight," Atreus said, standing.
"It was a ... a thing of beauty!" Rishi's mouth continued to hang open, then his
arm shot up and pointed out the door. "Good sir, watch your back!"
Atreus twisted forward and away, then glimpsed the tip of a sword arcing towardhis head from across the verandah. Behind it came the guard he had knockedunconscious earlier, hurling himself off the balustrade in an assault as wild as itwas foolish. Before Atreus could raise his arm to block, a tiny dagger flashed past from Rishi's direction and sank deep into the guard's gullet. The sword slipped from the man's grasp, as he let out a surprised gurgle and collapsed through the doorway.
Atreus kneeled beside the man and pulled the dagger free, unleashing a stream
of bright red froth. He looked at Rishi in horror.
"Why did you do that?"
"Perhaps the good sir forgets he owes me money," said Rishi. "It would hardly do
to let him get killed before he pays."
"I wasn't going to get killed," said Atreus. He glanced back to see several pairs ofhands reaching up to grasp the verandah railing. "But now you've made a markedman of me. The queen's guards will take a poor view of having one of their own killed."
“Then I suggest we go." Rishi gestured at the basket on the floor. "I fear the goodsir must carry his own cargo. The basket is too heavy for me."
Atreus pulled his purse from his belt and dropped it on the floor for the dying man'sfamily, then he grabbed his basket and followed the Mar across the dingy room into adark, cramped corridor. An angry outcry erupted behind him as the guards climbedonto the balcony and noticed their dying comrade. Rishi pulled the door closed and led the way toward a dingy stairwell at the end of the hall.
As they approached, Yago's heavy steps began to rumble up the stairs, then the ogre appeared in the doorway, doubled over and packed into the narrow passage.When he saw Rishi and Atreus, he dropped to his hands and knees and tried tosqueeze through the doorway.
"Not this way," Rishi called. "We must go up the stairs. Quickly!"Yago retreated through the door and scrambled up the stairs on all fours, the wholestairwell shaking beneath his pounding feet. Rishi followed close behind, shouting atthe ogre to move faster. Atreus brought up the rear, his knees limping furiously as hehauled the heavy basket up the steps.
A door slammed open behind him, then someone cried, The stairs!"
The hammering footfalls of a half-a-dozen charging men began to echo up thestairwell. Upon reaching the next floor, Atreus saw how well Rishi had planned their escape. on the landing, a dozen oil casks lay stacked on their sides, held in place by asingle wooden wedge lodged between the floor and first barrel. After Yago and Atreussqueezed past, Rishi turned to kick the wedge free.
It twisted sideways, but did not come out.
Rishi's eyes widened. The angry guards reached the bottom of the stairs and started up, nostrils flaring and swords waving. Again, the Mar kicked at the wedge. This time,his toe bounced off without budging it.
Atreus squatted down and dropped the heavy basket on the floor. Rishi spun around at the resulting jingle, but he did not step out of the way.
"Move!" Atreus shouted, pulling the Mar aside.
The first guard was only a dozen steps below, staring up at the casks and sneering
in relief.
When Atreus reached down and grabbed the wedge, the man's smirk vanished. Hecocked his arm to throw his sword, and Atreus jerked the wedge free. The caskstumbled loose with a deafening rumble, bouncing down the stairs to bowl the guards over backward. One keg split and spilled oil everywhere, turning the whole stairwellinto a slimy avalanche of somersaulting men and flying casks.
"Well done!" Rishi exclaimed, once again eyeing Atreus's heavy cargo basket. "Very well done. Now escape is assured."
"I'll believe that," Atreus said, "once we've actually escaped."
Atreus picked up his cargo, and he and Rishi started up the stairs after Yago. Although the basket was ungainly and difficult to carry, he did not even considerabandoning it. The coffer inside held many ten-thousands of gold lions, a full quarterof the fortune bequeathed to him by his unknown mother. This was the amount hehad dedicated to finding Langdarma, and he had no intention of leaving it to QueenRosalind's guards.
They ascended three more flights of stairs, then stepped into a long hallway leadingtoward the rear of the building. Yago stopped and pointed toward a window at the endof the corridor, where a long plank lay on the bottom sill, stretching across a narrowalley to a similar casement in another building.
"Am I supposed to fit through that?" the ogre demanded.
"Most definitely not," Rishi replied. "Your weight would snap the board like straw. Youmust continue up to the roof."“The roof?" asked Atreus. "I have seen how strong the ogre is," said Rishi. "I am sure he will not be troubledby such a small leap."
Yago squinted out the distant window. "How far is it?"
"Oh, it cannot be far," said Rishi. "The board itself is not five paces long."
"Five paces?" The ogre stretched his arms apart, trying to envision the distance.“That's got to be as long as a—"
"Five of our paces. It is no more than two of yours," Rishi said as he braced hishands on Yago's hips, struggling in vain to shove the ogre into the stairwell. "Now goup on the roof—and hurry! Can you not hear our enemies?"
Atreus cocked his head, listening to the sound of the pounding feet below, thennodded to Yago. "Go on. We'll see you on the other side."Yago reluctantly squeezed back through the door and rumbled up the steps, leavingRishi and Atreus to continue down the corridor alone. The Mar stopped at the windowand turned to Atreus. "No indignity is meant, but you are heavy enough with-out your basket, and the board is very old. Perhaps I should go first and drag your cargo along behind me."
Atreus shook his head. "I'd feel terrible if you fell. The basket is too heavy for you."
He eyed the plank. As weathered and gray as the board was, it was also quite thick,
with no sign of rotting. "You go ahead. I'll be fine."
Rishi sighed, then leaped onto the board and trotted across as lightly as a cat.Atreus followed more slowly, holding the heavy basket away from his body so he could look down and see his feet. By the time he had taken five steps, he almost wished hehad let Rishi steal the gold. The plank was bowing severely under his weight, andevery step caused it to bounce so harshly he could hardly keep his balance. Forty feetbelow, a constant stream of Mar scurried past, oblivious to the danger that Atreusmight slip and drop the basket on their heads or fall off the board entirely and come crashing down himself.
Atreus was halfway across, on the bounciest part of the board, when heavy bootsbegan to pound down the corridor behind him. He looked up to find Rishi staringacross the alley, eyes as wide as coins.
"Perhaps the master could come more quickly," said Rishi.
"I'm coming as fast as I can!" Atreus's gaze dropped back to the plank, and he began to grow dizzy as he contemplated the distance between his feet and the ground."This isn't as easy as it looks!"
"The master is to be extolled for his remarkable balance," said Rishi. "But Her Radiance's men are proving most persistent."Atreus took a deep breath, then rushed ahead three quick steps. The plankjumped like a quarterdeck on a stormy sea, and his fourth step found the boardcoming up when his foot expected it to be going down. He stumbled forward and fellto one knee, slamming the heavy basket down in front of him.
The plank bucked so hard that the end bounced completely off the sill andcame down an inch closer to the edge. Atreus squeezed his eyelids shut and didnot move, afraid of what would happen if he allowed himself to look a; the alley below.
“Come back here, you ugly devil!" growled an angry voice behind him. "The queen's executioner will be wanting a word with you."
A rasping noise sounded ahead, and Atreus felt the board moving backward. Heopened his eyes again and saw the end of the plank slowly scraping toward theedge of the windowsill.
Rishi thrust out his arms. "Give me the basket!"
"So you can run off with it?"
Atreus crawled forward, pushing the basket ahead of him. The board jerkedbeneath his knees, and the end slipped to within two fingers of the window's edge."Have I not earned your trust by now?" Rishi continued to reach for the basket."I am only trying to help!"
"If you want to help, grab the board!" Atreus commanded.
"But I am only a Mar," Rishi whined. Despite his objection, lie grabbed the plankwith both hands. "I am no match for the strength of the Ffolk!" The board wobbled sideways, and the guard called, "Last chance! Surrender now,or I'll finish you here."
"And kill those people down there?" Atreus glanced at the alley floor, where asmall crowd had finally gathered to stare up at the strange confrontation abovetheir heads. "I doubt the queen would approve of that."
"They'll get out of the way." The guard gave the plank a mighty tug.Rishi pulled back and kept the end from slipping off the window sill, but Atreus'sknee dropped off the side. The board tipped sideways, nearly flipped, and Atreuscried out in alarm.
Rishi grunted and braced his feet against the wall, leaning back against theguard's strength. The plank began to wobble and shudder. Atreus sat down and straddled the board, and only then did he hazard a glance over his shoulder atthe other end of the plank, two guards stood side-by-side, both holding the boardand straining to pull it out of Rishi's hands. There were more men behind them, but quarters were too cramped for additional hands. Atreus's heart beganto pound. Even if his foes did not realize it yet, they had only to let go to send Rishi tumbling backward and Atreus plunging to his death.
The guards suddenly scowled and glanced up at the ceiling, then Yagoappeared on the tenement roof, standing directly over their heads. When the ogre saw Atreus's predicament, be frowned and kneeled, cocking his fist to punch through the roof.
"Yago, wait!" Atreus yelled
The ogre was already bringing his fist down. A huge hand smashed through ceilingof the tenement and began feeling around. Atreus turned back to Rishi and pushed the basket forward, pulling himself along behind it as fast as he could.
Rishi let out a deep groan and slipped closer to the window. The Mar's knuckles were as pale as ivory. He kept his gaze locked on the treasure basket and did notblink. Atreus scooted another step forward. He was close enough to push thebasket through the window, but Rishi was in the way.
A strangled cry sounded from the other end of the plank as Yago finally caught hold of a guard. Atreus shouted a warning to the people below, then shoved thebasket into Rishi's startled face. The Mar had no choice but to release the board and grab the treasure basket. As itdropped away, Atreus flung himself forward and caught hold of the sill. His bodyswung down and smashed into the wall, leaving him dangling from the window like arag hung out to dry. The plank tumbled into the alley below, demolishing two pairsof window shutters as it bounced off the tenement walls on the way down.
"Good sir?" Rishi's voice came from the other side of the window. "Are you there?""Of course." Atreus pulled himself up onto the sill. "You'll have to work harder than that if you want my treasure.""How can you say such a thing?" Rishi demanded. He was sitting on the floor with both arms wrapped around the heavy basket. "I am only trying to help.""And you've done so much. Being a hunted killer is bound to be a great help infinding Langdarma."
Atreus swung his feet into the corridor, then looked back to see Yago's hand hanging through a hole in the ceiling. The ogre was smashing a hapless guardabout the hallway as though the man's body were a war-hammer.
"Yago!" Atreus called. "Come on."
The ogre dropped his victim, then pulled his hand back through the ceiling anddisappeared behind the roof line. An instant later he came hurtling across the alley,flailing his arms and legs as though he were trying to fly. Atreus took an instant tojudge where Yago would land, then grabbed Rishi's ankle and jerked him back toward the window.
"Good sir!" Rishi screeched. "Good sir, I am not some sack of rice to be dragged—"
The ceiling exploded into a spray of splinters and plaster. then Yago crasheddown where Rishi had been sitting a moment before. The floor bucked and shook from the impact of the ogre's ten-foot body, and Rishi's indignation turned to shock.
"In the name of the Forgotten Ones!" he gasped, peering over his shoulder.Yago groaned, then rolled onto his back and began to look around the dusty corridor. "Hey," he said, "I made it "
Something struck the tenement wall behind Atreus. He looked back to see aguard standing in the window opposite, accepting a fresh dagger from one of his fellows.
"We're not out of the city yet," Atreus said, grabbing the basket from Rishi's hands and spinning around, holding it up before him. "Yago, will you get going?"
As the ogre rolled to his knees, Rishi slipped past and led the way down the hall.Atreus backed after them, holding the basket up like a shield. This did not prevent the angry guard from hurling several more daggers through the window. The knives were hardly balanced for throwing, but one managed to lodge itself inthe basket and another tumbled past perilously close to Yago's back.. At last,Rishi turned a corner and ducked down a stairwell, and Atreus finally had time to take note of the foreign sounds and smells of the building. From behind every door came melodic Maran jabber. The upper floors, used primarily for residences, smelled—perhaps even stank—of exotic cooking spices. Every now and then thetrio had to squeeze past a small group of Mar coming up the stairs. The menclapped at Yago and stared at Atreus's face with open hostility. The women retreated to the landing below and let them pass, blushing and averting theireyes. The children gasped in open awe of Yago's size, then hissed and clapped their hands to ward off Atreus and his "wickedness." By the time the trio reached theground floor, Atreus felt happy to have grown up among the Shield-breakers. Atleast Yago's sons and nephews had considered his unfortunate looks nothingworse than an excuse to start a good fight.
When they reached the ground floor, Rishi led the way through an open poultrymarket into a narrow lane. Atreus was so turned around that until a pair of Marwandered past carrying a long plank, he did not recognize it as the same alleyover which he had been hanging a few minutes earlier.
"Over here, my banana-loving friend!"
The call came from a short distance down the alley, where a round-faced Marwith a waxed mustache sat in the driver's seat of a large covered wagon. He wasa plump man, about the same size and shape as the shadowy figure who hadthrown the banana into the Howdah. Hitched to the man's wagon were two of the strangest oxen Atreus had ever seen. They had narrow, cow like faces with curved horns as long as a man's arm, and their bodies were hidden head-to-hoof beneath shaggy skirts of golden-black hair.
Rishi draped his hand around Atreus's elbow in the overly familiar way of the Mar and led him toward the cart. "Bharat, my good friend! This is the unfortunate gentleman I was telling you about, and this is his large servant." Rishi gestured at Yago. "Is everything ready?"
"Yes, yes, just as you asked. Hide yourselves beneath my carpets, and we areon our way to Langdarma." Bharat smiled too eagerly, displaying teeth as whiteas snow, then nodded to Yago. "I brought my largest wagon, but even so, I fear youwill have to fold your legs."
Rishi started toward the back of the cart, but Atreus made no move to follow.
"We're going to Langdarma in an oxcart?" he asked.Rishi feigned a look of shock. "But of course! Surely, you did not think we could takeyour elephant?"